2022-11-03 09:19:08 +01:00
event.previous_skin_applied.success=§aApplied your previous disguise back.
2022-11-02 11:45:53 +01:00
event.previous_skin_applied.fail=§cFailed to apply your previous disguise back.
2022-11-01 21:28:28 +01:00
player.offline=§c{0} §fis offline, please try again.
error.generic=§cAn unknown error occured. Please contact the developer.
error.couldnt_get_name_from_mojang=§cFailed to get username from Mojang. Does the user exists?
error.couldnt_get_skin_from_mojang=§cFailed to get skin from Mojang.
2022-11-02 11:45:53 +01:00
error.couldnt_get_skin_from_cache=§cFailed to get skin from cache.
2022-11-03 09:19:08 +01:00
event.disguise.success=§aDisguise applied.
event.disguise.fail=§cUnable to apply your disguise. §7§o({0})