1.1.7-RC1: Hotfix n°5 (04/05/24) [OTHER] - Restored download link again on spigotmc.org 1.1.6-RC1: Update n°11 (04/05/24) [FEATURES] - Update dependencies in preparation to the 1.20.5 update [OTHER] - Restored download link on spigotmc.org 1.1.5-RC1: Update n°10 (25/12/23) [FEATURES] - Various improvements to performance. [FIXES] - Fixed a bug related to configuration migration. 1.1.4-RC1: Update n°9 (07/02/23) [OTHER] - The repository hosting the previous version of Nicko had expired, this is now fixed. 1.1.3-RC1: Hotfix n°4 (28/12/23) [FIXES] - Fixed the English Locale version being late. 1.1.2-RC1: Update n°8 (28/12/23) [FEATURES] - Players now default back to their original appearance upon failure. [FIXES] - Fixed an invalid placeholder parameter (%nicko_random_skin% now gets if the player has random skin on login set or not). - Fixed the error reason not appearing upon failure. - Fixed player profiles (name and skin associated) not being reset gracefully upon failure. - Fixed error messages not being precise enough. - Various optimizations and improvements. 1.1.1-RC1: Update n°7 (27/12/23) [FEATURES] - Made Nicko compatible with 1.20.3 and 1.20.4. 1.1.0-RC1: Update n°6 (23/12/23) [BREAKING] - The language system has been updated to use the Adventure library (https://docs.advntr.dev/index.html). This results in the custom locale breaking Nicko upon usage of legacy color codes (e.g., "§6Nicko"). Your custom locale will be backed up upon starting this version and you will be able to use the new default English locale to help you make your locale compatible with the new formatting. [FEATURES] - Players can now choose to get a random appearance via a list of more than 400 usernames and skins associated. - Players can now toggle a setting to automatically get a random appearance upon joining. - Introduced a version string inside Nicko's language files to plan future updates to the file. (see [BREAKING]) (Note: the random skin functionality is still work-in-progress and might break or not work at all because of the lack of time that I have to test all the usernames and skins associated.) [FIXES] - Various optimizations and improvements. - Internal refactoring - bStats metrics are not minified anymore. 1.0.8-RC1: Update n°5 (19/12/23) [FEATURES] - Introduced a version string inside Nicko's configuration to plan future updates to the file. Your previous configuration file will automatically be migrated to this current version (with the backup of your old one included!) - Persistence and cache will now fallback to local alternatives when unreachable. - Player check GUI has been updated to better reflect the current state of player's disguises. - Developers can now listen to the PlayerDisguiseEvent and cancel the disguise process. [OTHER] - Various optimizations and improvements. - Internal refactoring 1.0.7-RC1: Update n°4 (13/12/23) [OTHER] - In line with my thinking that Minecraft servers should always be in one of the latest versions to give developers more freedom and less maintenance hassle, Nicko will now only be supporting the current major version and the one before it. This results in this version of Nicko now needing at minimum Java version 17 and a server running 1.19. If you can't upgrade, consider myself sorry. - Various optimizations and improvements following the upgrade to Java 17. 1.0.6-RC1: Update n°3 (11/12/23) [OTHER] - Added telemetry via bStats to gather useful informations about Nicko. This feature is optional and can be disabled inside the "bStats" folder found in plugins folder. Informations gathered are public record and can be found at: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Nicko/20483. 1.0.5-RC1: Update n°2 (11/12/23) [OTHER] - Moved plugin to the Gradle build chain, resulting in faster builds and smaller Jar. This has no consequences for players. 1.0.4-RC1: [FEATURES] - The players check GUI is now updated upon player's joining and leaving - Administrators are now able to remove a player's disguise through the player check GUI 1.0.3-RC1: Hotfix n°3 (07/12/23) [FIXES] - Fixed a visual bug where players in survival mode were seeing themselves as having full health and hunger after disguising. 1.0.2-RC1: Hotfix n°2 (06/12/23) [OTHER] - Internal refactoring 1.0.1-RC1: Hotfix n°1 (06/12/23) [FIXES] - Fixed an issue when joining and players being disguised were not for the player joining.