error: couldnt_get_name_from_mojang: "Failed to get username from Mojang" couldnt_get_skin_from_cache: "Failed to get skin from cache" couldnt_get_skin_from_mojang: "Failed to get skin from Mojang" generic: "Unknown error" invalid_username: "§cThe specified username is not a valid Minecraft username." player_offline: "§c{0} §fis offline, please try again." event: admin: cache_clear: "§aSkin cache cleaned." disguise: fail: "§cUnable to apply your disguise. §7§o({0})" success: "§aDisguise applied!" previous_skin_applied: fail: "§cFailed to apply your previous disguise back. §7§o({0})" success: "§aYour previous active disguise has been applied back." undisguise: fail: "§cUnable to remove your disguise. It will be set back to default on your next login. Sorry!" none: "§cYou do not have an active disguise." success: "§aDisguise removed."