451 lines
31 KiB
451 lines
31 KiB
"worldedit.expand.description.vert": "Vertically expand the selection to world limits.",
"worldedit.expand.expanded": "Region expanded {0} blocks",
"worldedit.expand.expanded.vert": "Region expanded {0} blocks (top-to-bottom).",
"worldedit.biomeinfo.lineofsight": "Biomes at line of sight point: {0}",
"worldedit.biomeinfo.position": "Biomes at your position: {0}",
"worldedit.biomeinfo.selection": "Biomes in your selection: {0}",
"worldedit.biomeinfo.not-locatable": "Command sender must be present in the world to use the -p flag.",
"worldedit.brush.radius-too-large": "Maximum allowed brush radius: {0}",
"worldedit.brush.apply.description": "Apply brush, apply a function to every block",
"worldedit.brush.apply.radius": "The size of the brush",
"worldedit.brush.apply.shape": "The shape of the region",
"worldedit.brush.apply.type": "Type of brush to use",
"worldedit.brush.apply.item.warning": "This brush simulates item usages. Its effects may not work on all platforms, may not be undo-able, and may cause strange interactions with other mods/plugins. Use at your own risk.",
"worldedit.brush.paint.description": "Paint brush, apply a function to a surface",
"worldedit.brush.paint.size": "The size of the brush",
"worldedit.brush.paint.shape": "The shape of the region",
"worldedit.brush.paint.density": "The density of the brush",
"worldedit.brush.paint.type": "Type of brush to use",
"worldedit.brush.paint.item.warning": "This brush simulates item usages. Its effects may not work on all platforms, may not be undo-able, and may cause strange interactions with other mods/plugins. Use at your own risk.",
"worldedit.brush.sphere.equip": "Sphere brush shape equipped ({0}).",
"worldedit.brush.cylinder.equip": "Cylinder brush shape equipped ({0} by {1}).",
"worldedit.brush.clipboard.equip": "Clipboard brush shape equipped.",
"worldedit.brush.smooth.equip": "Smooth brush equipped ({0} x {1}x using {2}).",
"worldedit.brush.extinguish.equip": "Extinguisher equipped ({0}).",
"worldedit.brush.gravity.equip": "Gravity brush equipped ({0}).",
"worldedit.brush.butcher.equip": "Butcher brush equipped ({0}).",
"worldedit.brush.operation.equip": "Set brush to {0}.",
"worldedit.brush.heightmap.equip": "Heightmap brush equipped ({0}).",
"worldedit.brush.heightmap.unknown": "Unknown heightmap brush: {0}.",
"worldedit.brush.none.equip": "Brush unbound from your current item.",
"worldedit.setbiome.changed": "Biomes were changed for approximately {0} blocks.",
"worldedit.setbiome.warning": "You may have to re-join your game (or close and re-open your world) to see changes.",
"worldedit.setbiome.not-locatable": "Command sender must be present in the world to use the -p flag.",
"worldedit.drawsel.disabled": "Server CUI disabled.",
"worldedit.drawsel.enabled": "Server CUI enabled. This only supports cuboid regions, with a maximum size of {0}x{1}x{2}.",
"worldedit.drawsel.disabled.already": "Server CUI already disabled.",
"worldedit.drawsel.enabled.already": "Server CUI already enabled.",
"worldedit.limit.too-high": "Your maximum allowable limit is {0}.",
"worldedit.limit.set": "Block change limit set to {0}.",
"worldedit.limit.return-to-default": "(Use //limit to go back to the default.)",
"worldedit.timeout.too-high": "Your maximum allowable timeout is {0}ms.",
"worldedit.timeout.set": "Timeout time set to {0}ms.",
"worldedit.timeout.return-to-default": " (Use //timeout to go back to the default.)",
"worldedit.fast.disabled": "Fast mode disabled.",
"worldedit.fast.enabled": "Fast mode enabled. Lighting in the affected chunks may be wrong and/or you may need to rejoin to see changes.",
"worldedit.fast.disabled.already": "Fast mode already disabled.",
"worldedit.fast.enabled.already": "Fast mode already enabled.",
"worldedit.perf.sideeffect.set": "Side effect \"{0}\" set to {1}",
"worldedit.perf.sideeffect.get": "Side effect \"{0}\" is set to {1}",
"worldedit.perf.sideeffect.already-set": "Side effect \"{0}\" is already {1}",
"worldedit.perf.sideeffect.set-all": "All side effects set to {0}",
"worldedit.reorder.current": "The reorder mode is {0}",
"worldedit.reorder.set": "The reorder mode is now {0}",
"worldedit.gmask.disabled": "Global mask disabled.",
"worldedit.gmask.set": "Global mask set.",
"worldedit.toggleplace.pos1": "Now placing at pos #1.",
"worldedit.toggleplace.player": "Now placing at the block you stand in.",
"worldedit.toggleplace.not-locatable": "Cannot toggle placing in this context.",
"worldedit.searchitem.too-short": "Enter a longer search string (len > 2).",
"worldedit.searchitem.either-b-or-i": "You cannot use both the 'b' and 'i' flags simultaneously.",
"worldedit.searchitem.searching": "(Please wait... searching items.)",
"worldedit.watchdog.no-hook": "This platform has no watchdog hook.",
"worldedit.watchdog.active.already": "Watchdog hook already active.",
"worldedit.watchdog.inactive.already": "Watchdog hook already inactive.",
"worldedit.watchdog.active": "Watchdog hook now active.",
"worldedit.watchdog.inactive": "Watchdog hook now inactive.",
"worldedit.world.remove": "Removed world override.",
"worldedit.world.set": "Set the world override to {0}. (Use //world to go back to default)",
"worldedit.undo.undone": "Undid {0} available edits.",
"worldedit.undo.none": "Nothing left to undo.",
"worldedit.redo.redone": "Redid {0} available edits.",
"worldedit.redo.none": "Nothing left to redo.",
"worldedit.clearhistory.cleared": "History cleared.",
"worldedit.raytrace.noblock": "No block in sight!",
"worldedit.raytrace.require-player": "Raytracing commands require a player!",
"worldedit.restore.not-configured": "Snapshot/backup restore is not configured.",
"worldedit.restore.not-available": "That snapshot does not exist or is not available.",
"worldedit.restore.failed": "Failed to load snapshot: {0}",
"worldedit.restore.loaded": "Snapshot '{0}' loaded; now restoring...",
"worldedit.restore.restored": "Restored; {0} missing chunks and {1} other errors.",
"worldedit.restore.none-for-specific-world": "No snapshots were found for world '{0}'.",
"worldedit.restore.none-for-world": "No snapshots were found for this world.",
"worldedit.restore.none-found": "No snapshots were found.",
"worldedit.restore.none-found-console": "No snapshots were found. See console for details.",
"worldedit.restore.chunk-not-present": "Chunks were not present in snapshot.",
"worldedit.restore.chunk-load-failed": "No chunks could be loaded. (Bad archive?)",
"worldedit.restore.block-place-failed": "Errors prevented any blocks from being restored.",
"worldedit.restore.block-place-error": "Last error: {0}",
"worldedit.snapshot.use.newest": "Now using newest snapshot.",
"worldedit.snapshot.use": "Snapshot set to: {0}",
"worldedit.snapshot.none-before": "Couldn't find a snapshot before {0}.",
"worldedit.snapshot.none-after": "Couldn't find a snapshot after {0}.",
"worldedit.snapshot.index-above-0": "Invalid index, must be greater than or equal to 1.",
"worldedit.snapshot.index-oob": "Invalid index, must be between 1 and {0}.",
"worldedit.schematic.unknown-format": "Unknown schematic format: {0}.",
"worldedit.schematic.load.does-not-exist": "Schematic {0} does not exist!",
"worldedit.schematic.load.loading": "(Please wait... loading schematic.)",
"worldedit.schematic.load.still-loading": "(Please wait... still loading schematic.)",
"worldedit.schematic.save.already-exists": "That schematic already exists. Use the -f flag to overwrite it.",
"worldedit.schematic.save.failed-directory": "Could not create folder for schematics!",
"worldedit.schematic.save.saving": "(Please wait... saving schematic.)",
"worldedit.schematic.save.still-saving": "(Please wait... still saving schematic.)",
"worldedit.schematic.delete.does-not-exist": "Schematic {0} does not exist!",
"worldedit.schematic.delete.failed": "Deletion of {0} failed! Is it read-only?",
"worldedit.schematic.delete.deleted": "{0} has been deleted.",
"worldedit.schematic.formats.title": "Available clipboard formats (Name: Lookup names)",
"worldedit.schematic.unsupported-minecraft-version": "This version of WorldEdit does not support your Minecraft version. Schematics will not work until this is resolved.",
"worldedit.pos.already-set": "Position already set.",
"worldedit.pos.console-require-coords": "You must provide coordinates as console.",
"worldedit.hpos.no-block": "No block in sight!",
"worldedit.hpos.already-set": "Position already set.",
"worldedit.chunk.selected-multiple": "Chunks selected: ({0}, {1}, {2}) - ({3}, {4}, {5})",
"worldedit.chunk.selected": "Chunk selected: {0}, {1}, {2}",
"worldedit.wand.invalid": "Wand item is mis-configured or disabled.",
"worldedit.wand.selwand.info": "Left click: select pos #1; Right click: select pos #2",
"worldedit.wand.navwand.info": "Left click: jump to location; Right click: pass through walls",
"worldedit.wand.selwand.now.tool": "The selection wand is now a normal tool. You can disable it with {0} and rebind it to any item with {1} or get a new wand with {2}.",
"worldedit.contract.contracted": "Region contracted {0} blocks.",
"worldedit.shift.shifted": "Region shifted.",
"worldedit.outset.outset": "Region outset.",
"worldedit.inset.inset": "Region inset.",
"worldedit.size.offset": "Offset: {0}",
"worldedit.size.type": "Type: {0}",
"worldedit.size.size": "Size: {0}",
"worldedit.size.distance": "Cuboid distance: {0}",
"worldedit.size.blocks": "# of blocks: {0}",
"worldedit.count.counted": "Counted: {0}",
"worldedit.distr.no-blocks": "No blocks counted.",
"worldedit.distr.no-previous": "No previous distribution.",
"worldedit.distr.total": "Total Block Count: {0}",
"worldedit.select.cleared": "Selection cleared.",
"worldedit.select.cuboid.message": "Cuboid: left click for point 1, right click for point 2",
"worldedit.select.cuboid.description": "Select two corners of a cuboid",
"worldedit.select.extend.message": "Cuboid: left click for a starting point, right click to extend",
"worldedit.select.extend.description": "Fast cuboid selection mode",
"worldedit.select.poly.message": "2D polygon selector: Left/right click to add a point.",
"worldedit.select.poly.limit-message": "{0} points maximum.",
"worldedit.select.poly.description": "Select a 2D polygon with height",
"worldedit.select.ellipsoid.message": "Ellipsoid selector: left click=center, right click to extend",
"worldedit.select.ellipsoid.description": "Select an ellipsoid",
"worldedit.select.sphere.message": "Sphere selector: left click=center, right click to set radius",
"worldedit.select.sphere.description": "Select a sphere",
"worldedit.select.cyl.message": "Cylindrical selector: Left click=center, right click to extend",
"worldedit.select.cyl.description": "Select a cylinder",
"worldedit.select.convex.message": "Convex polyhedral selector: Left click=First vertex, right click to add more.",
"worldedit.select.convex.limit-message": "{0} points maximum.",
"worldedit.select.convex.description": "Select a convex polyhedral",
"worldedit.select.default-set": "Your default region selector is now {0}.",
"worldedit.chunkinfo.chunk": "Chunk: {0}, {1}",
"worldedit.chunkinfo.old-filename": "Old format: {0}",
"worldedit.chunkinfo.mcregion-filename": "McRegion: region/{0}",
"worldedit.listchunks.listfor": "Listing chunks for: {0}",
"worldedit.drain.drained": "{0} blocks have been drained.",
"worldedit.fill.created": "{0} blocks have been filled.",
"worldedit.fillr.created": "{0} blocks have been filled.",
"worldedit.fixlava.fixed": "{0} blocks have been fixed.",
"worldedit.fixwater.fixed": "{0} blocks have been fixed.",
"worldedit.removeabove.removed": "{0} blocks have been removed.",
"worldedit.removebelow.removed": "{0} blocks have been removed.",
"worldedit.removenear.removed": "{0} blocks have been removed.",
"worldedit.replacenear.replaced": "{0} blocks have been replaced.",
"worldedit.snow.created": "{0} surfaces have been covered.",
"worldedit.thaw.removed": "{0} blocks have been thawed.",
"worldedit.green.changed": "{0} blocks have been greened.",
"worldedit.extinguish.removed": "{0} fires have been extinguished.",
"worldedit.butcher.killed": "{0} mobs have been killed in a radius of {1}.",
"worldedit.butcher.explain-all": "Use -1 to remove all mobs in loaded chunks",
"worldedit.remove.removed": "{0} entities have been marked for removal.",
"worldedit.remove.explain-all": "Use -1 to remove all entities in loaded chunks",
"worldedit.calc.invalid": "'{0}' could not be parsed as a valid expression",
"worldedit.calc.invalid.with-error": "'{0}' could not be parsed as a valid expression: '{1}'",
"worldedit.paste.pasted": "The clipboard has been pasted at {0}",
"worldedit.paste.selected": "Selected clipboard paste region.",
"worldedit.rotate.no-interpolation": "Note: Interpolation is not yet supported, so angles that are multiples of 90 is recommended.",
"worldedit.rotate.rotated": "The clipboard copy has been rotated.",
"worldedit.flip.flipped": "The clipboard copy has been flipped.",
"worldedit.clearclipboard.cleared": "Clipboard cleared.",
"worldedit.set.done": "Operation completed.",
"worldedit.set.done.verbose": "Operation completed ({0}).",
"worldedit.line.changed": "{0} blocks have been changed.",
"worldedit.line.invalid-type": "//line only works with cuboid selections or convex polyhedral selections",
"worldedit.curve.changed": "{0} blocks have been changed.",
"worldedit.curve.invalid-type": "//curve only works with convex polyhedral selections",
"worldedit.replace.replaced": "{0} blocks have been replaced.",
"worldedit.stack.changed": "{0} blocks changed. Undo with //undo",
"worldedit.stack.intersecting-region": "Stack offset must not collide with the region when using block units",
"worldedit.regen.regenerated": "Region regenerated.",
"worldedit.regen.failed": "Unable to regenerate chunks. Check console for details.",
"worldedit.walls.changed": "{0} blocks have been changed.",
"worldedit.faces.changed": "{0} blocks have been changed.",
"worldedit.overlay.overlaid": "{0} blocks have been overlaid.",
"worldedit.naturalize.naturalized": "{0} block(s) have been made to look more natural.",
"worldedit.center.changed": "Center set. ({0} blocks changed)",
"worldedit.smooth.changed": "Terrain's height map smoothed. {0} blocks changed.",
"worldedit.move.moved": "{0} blocks moved.",
"worldedit.deform.deformed": "{0} blocks have been deformed.",
"worldedit.hollow.changed": "{0} blocks have been changed.",
"worldedit.forest.created": "{0} trees created.",
"worldedit.flora.created": "{0} flora created.",
"worldedit.unstuck.moved": "There you go!",
"worldedit.ascend.obstructed": "No free spot above you found.",
"worldedit.ascend.moved": "Ascended {0} levels.",
"worldedit.descend.obstructed": "No free spot below you found.",
"worldedit.descend.moved": "Descended {0} levels.",
"worldedit.ceil.obstructed": "No free spot above you found.",
"worldedit.ceil.moved": "Woosh!",
"worldedit.thru.obstructed": "No free spot ahead of you found.",
"worldedit.thru.moved": "Woosh!",
"worldedit.jumpto.moved": "Poof!",
"worldedit.jumpto.none": "No block in sight (or too far away)!",
"worldedit.up.obstructed": "You would hit something above you.",
"worldedit.up.moved": "Woosh!",
"worldedit.cyl.invalid-radius": "You must either specify 1 or 2 radius values.",
"worldedit.cyl.created": "{0} blocks have been created.",
"worldedit.sphere.invalid-radius": "You must either specify 1 or 3 radius values.",
"worldedit.sphere.created": "{0} blocks have been created.",
"worldedit.forestgen.created": "{0} trees created.",
"worldedit.pumpkins.created": "{0} pumpkin patches created.",
"worldedit.pyramid.created": "{0} blocks have been created.",
"worldedit.generate.created": "{0} blocks have been created.",
"worldedit.generatebiome.changed": "{0} biomes affected.",
"worldedit.reload.config": "Configuration reloaded!",
"worldedit.report.written": "WorldEdit report written to {0}",
"worldedit.report.error": "Failed to write report: {0}",
"worldedit.report.callback": "WorldEdit report: {0}.report",
"worldedit.timezone.invalid": "Invalid timezone",
"worldedit.timezone.set": "Timezone set for this session to: {0}",
"worldedit.timezone.current": "The current time in that timezone is: {0}",
"worldedit.version.version": "WorldEdit version {0}",
"worldedit.trace.no-tracing-extents": "Trace: No extent was used.",
"worldedit.trace.action-failed": "Trace: Action(s) {0} at {1} discarded by extent {2}",
"worldedit.trace.active.already": "Trace mode already active.",
"worldedit.trace.inactive.already": "Trace mode already inactive.",
"worldedit.trace.active": "Trace mode now active.",
"worldedit.trace.inactive": "Trace mode now inactive.",
"worldedit.command.time-elapsed": "{0}s elapsed (history: {1} changed; {2} blocks/sec).",
"worldedit.command.permissions": "You are not permitted to do that. Are you in the right mode?",
"worldedit.command.player-only": "This command must be used with a player.",
"worldedit.command.error.report": "Please report this error: [See console]",
"worldedit.pastebin.uploading": "(Please wait... sending output to pastebin...)",
"worldedit.session.cant-find-session": "Unable to find session for {0}",
"worldedit.platform.no-file-dialog": "File dialogs are not supported in your environment.",
"worldedit.asset.load.loading": "(Please wait... loading asset.)",
"worldedit.asset.load.still-loading": "(Please wait... still loading asset.)",
"worldedit.asset.load.failed": "Failed to load asset",
"worldedit.tool.max-block-changes": "Max blocks change limit reached.",
"worldedit.tool.no-block": "No block in sight!",
"worldedit.tool.repl.equip": "Block replacer tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.repl.switched": "Replacer tool switched to: {0}",
"worldedit.tool.data-cycler.equip": "Block data cycler tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.data-cycler.block-not-permitted": "You are not permitted to cycle the data value of that block.",
"worldedit.tool.data-cycler.cant-cycle": "That block's data cannot be cycled!",
"worldedit.tool.data-cycler.new-value": "Value of {0} is now {1}.",
"worldedit.tool.data-cycler.cycling": "Now cycling {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.deltree.equip": "Floating tree remover tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.deltree.not-tree": "That's not a tree.",
"worldedit.tool.deltree.not-floating": "That's not a floating tree.",
"worldedit.tool.tree.equip": "Tree tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.tree.obstructed": "A tree can't go there.",
"worldedit.tool.info.equip": "Info tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.info.blockstate.hover": "Block state",
"worldedit.tool.info.internalid.hover": "Internal ID",
"worldedit.tool.info.legacy.hover": "Legacy id:data",
"worldedit.tool.info.light.hover": "Block Light/Light Above",
"worldedit.tool.none.equip": "Tool unbound from your current item.",
"worldedit.tool.none.to.unequip": "Your current item is not bound.",
"worldedit.tool.selwand.equip": "Selection wand bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.navwand.equip": "Navigation wand bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.floodfill.equip": "Block flood fill tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.farwand.equip": "Far wand tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.lrbuild.equip": "Long-range building tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.lrbuild.set": "Left-click set to {0}; right-click set to {1}.",
"worldedit.tool.stack.equip": "Stack tool bound to {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.unbind-instruction": "Run {0} while holding the item to unbind it.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.mode.single": "Mode is now single. Left click with a pickaxe. // to disable.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.mode.area": "Mode is now area. Left click with a pickaxe. // to disable.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.mode.recursive": "Mode is now recursive. Left click with a pickaxe. // to disable.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.max-range": "Maximum range is {0}.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.enabled.already": "Super pickaxe already enabled.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.disabled.already": "Super pickaxe already disabled.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.enabled": "Super pickaxe enabled.",
"worldedit.tool.superpickaxe.disabled": "Super pickaxe disabled.",
"worldedit.tool.mask.set": "Brush mask set.",
"worldedit.tool.mask.disabled": "Brush mask disabled.",
"worldedit.tool.material.set": "Brush material set.",
"worldedit.tool.range.set": "Brush range set.",
"worldedit.tool.size.set": "Brush size set.",
"worldedit.tool.tracemask.set": "Trace mask set.",
"worldedit.tool.tracemask.disabled": "Trace mask disabled.",
"worldedit.tool.error.cannot-bind": "Can't bind tool to {0}: {1}",
"worldedit.tool.error.item-only": "Blocks can't be used.",
"worldedit.execute.script-permissions": "You don't have permission to use that script.",
"worldedit.executelast.no-script": "Use /cs with a script name first.",
"worldedit.script.read-error": "Script read error: {0}",
"worldedit.script.unsupported": "Only .js scripts are currently supported",
"worldedit.script.file-not-found": "Script does not exist: {0}",
"worldedit.script.no-script-engine": "Failed to find an installed script engine.\nPlease see https://worldedit.enginehub.org/en/latest/usage/other/craftscripts/",
"worldedit.script.failed": "Failed to execute: {0}",
"worldedit.script.failed-console": "Failed to execute (see console): {0}",
"worldedit.operation.affected.biome": "{0} biomes affected",
"worldedit.operation.affected.block": "{0} blocks affected",
"worldedit.operation.affected.column": "{0} columns affected",
"worldedit.operation.affected.entity": "{0} entities affected",
"worldedit.operation.deform.expression": "deformed using {0}",
"worldedit.error.invalid-number": "Number expected; string given.",
"worldedit.error.invalid-number.matches": "Number expected; string \"{0}\" given.",
"worldedit.error.incomplete-region": "Make a region selection first.",
"worldedit.error.unknown-block": "Block name '{0}' was not recognized.",
"worldedit.error.unknown-entity": "Entity name '{0}' was not recognized.",
"worldedit.error.unknown-mob": "Mob name '{0}' was not recognized.",
"worldedit.error.unknown-biome": "Biome name '{0}' was not recognized.",
"worldedit.error.unknown-tag": "Tag name '{0}' was not recognized.",
"worldedit.error.empty-tag": "Tag name '{0}' has no contents.",
"worldedit.error.no-match": "No match for '{0}'.",
"worldedit.error.disallowed-block": "Block '{0}' not allowed (see WorldEdit configuration).",
"worldedit.error.max-changes": "Max blocks changed in an operation reached ({0}).",
"worldedit.error.max-brush-radius": "Maximum brush radius (in configuration): {0}",
"worldedit.error.max-radius": "Maximum radius (in configuration): {0}",
"worldedit.error.unknown-direction": "Unknown direction: {0}",
"worldedit.error.empty-clipboard": "Your clipboard is empty. Use //copy first.",
"worldedit.error.invalid-filename": "Filename '{0}' invalid: {1}",
"worldedit.error.invalid-filename.invalid-characters": "Invalid characters or extension missing",
"worldedit.error.file-resolution": "File '{0}' resolution error: {1}",
"worldedit.error.file-resolution.outside-root": "Path is outside allowable root",
"worldedit.error.file-resolution.resolve-failed": "Failed to resolve path",
"worldedit.error.file-aborted": "File selection aborted.",
"worldedit.error.no-file-selected": "No file selected.",
"worldedit.error.world-unloaded": "The world was unloaded already.",
"worldedit.error.not-a-block": "This item is not a block.",
"worldedit.error.not-a-block.item": "The item '{0}' is not a block.",
"worldedit.error.incorrect-usage": "Usage: {0}",
"worldedit.error.invalid-page": "Invalid page number",
"worldedit.error.parser.bad-state-format": "Bad state format in {0}",
"worldedit.error.parser.duplicate-property": "Duplicate property: {0}",
"worldedit.error.parser.empty-state": "Empty part in state",
"worldedit.error.parser.missing-equals-separator": "Missing '=' separator",
"worldedit.error.parser.clipboard.missing-offset": "Offset specified with @ but no offset given. Use '#copy@[x,y,z]'.",
"worldedit.error.parser.unknown-property": "Unknown property '{0}' for block '{1}'",
"worldedit.error.parser.unknown-value": "Unknown value '{0}' for property '{1}'",
"worldedit.error.parser.empty-property": "Empty property in state",
"worldedit.error.parser.empty-value": "Empty value in state",
"worldedit.error.parser.invalid-colon": "Invalid colon.",
"worldedit.error.parser.invalid-expression": "Invalid expression: {0}",
"worldedit.error.parser.negate-nothing": "Cannot negate nothing!",
"worldedit.error.parser.hanging-lbracket": "Invalid format. Hanging bracket at '{0}'.",
"worldedit.error.parser.missing-rbracket": "State is missing trailing ']'",
"worldedit.error.parser.missing-random-type": "Missing the type after the % symbol for '{0}'",
"worldedit.error.parser.clipboard.missing-coordinates": "Clipboard offset needs x,y,z coordinates.",
"worldedit.error.parser.player-only": "Input '{0}' requires a player!",
"worldedit.error.disabled": "This functionality is disabled (see WorldEdit configuration).",
"worldedit.error.unknown": "Unknown error occurred: {0}",
"worldedit.error.missing-extent": "No Extent is known",
"worldedit.error.missing-session": "No LocalSession is known",
"worldedit.error.missing-world": "You need to provide a world (Try //world)",
"worldedit.error.missing-actor": "No actor is known",
"worldedit.selection.convex.info.vertices": "Vertices: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.convex.info.triangles": "Triangles: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.convex.explain.primary": "Started new selection with vertex {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.convex.explain.secondary": "Added vertex {0} to the selection.",
"worldedit.selection.cuboid.info.pos1": "Position 1: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.cuboid.info.pos2": "Position 2: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.cuboid.explain.primary": "First position set to {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.cuboid.explain.primary-area": "First position set to {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.cuboid.explain.secondary": "Second position set to {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.cuboid.explain.secondary-area": "Second position set to {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.extend.explain.primary": "Started selection at {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.extend.explain.secondary": "Extended selection to encompass {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.info.center": "Center: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.info.radius": "X/Y/Z Radius: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.explain.primary": "Center position set to {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.explain.primary-area": "Center position set to {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.explain.secondary": "Radius set to {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.explain.secondary-area": "Radius set to {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.ellipsoid.error.even-horizontal": "Ellipsoid changes must be even for each dimension.",
"worldedit.selection.cylinder.info.center": "Center: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.cylinder.info.radius": "Radius: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.cylinder.explain.primary": "Starting a new cylindrical selection at {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.cylinder.explain.secondary": "Radius set to {0}/{1} blocks. ({2})",
"worldedit.selection.cylinder.explain.secondary-missing": "You must select the center point before setting the radius.",
"worldedit.selection.cylinder.error.even-horizontal": "Cylinders changes must be even for each horizontal dimension.",
"worldedit.selection.polygon2d.info": "# points: {0}",
"worldedit.selection.polygon2d.explain.primary": "Starting a new polygon at {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.polygon2d.explain.secondary": "Added point #{0} at {1}.",
"worldedit.selection.polygon2d.error.expand-only-vertical": "Polygons can only be expanded vertically.",
"worldedit.selection.polygon2d.error.contract-only-vertical": "Polygons can only be contracted vertically.",
"worldedit.selection.sphere.explain.secondary": "Radius set to {0}.",
"worldedit.selection.sphere.explain.secondary-defined": "Radius set to {0} ({1}).",
"worldedit.selection.null.error.immutable": "Cannot change NullRegion.",
"worldedit.selection.intersection.error.cannot-expand": "Cannot expand a region intersection.",
"worldedit.selection.intersection.error.cannot-contract": "Cannot contract a region intersection.",
"worldedit.selection.transform.error.cannot-expand": "Cannot expand a TransformedRegion.",
"worldedit.selection.transform.error.cannot-contract": "Cannot contract a TransformedRegion.",
"worldedit.selection.transform.error.cannot-change": "Cannot change a TransformedRegion.",
"worldedit.sideeffect.lighting": "Lighting",
"worldedit.sideeffect.lighting.description": "Updates block lighting",
"worldedit.sideeffect.neighbors": "Neighbors",
"worldedit.sideeffect.neighbors.description": "Notifies nearby blocks of changes",
"worldedit.sideeffect.update": "Update",
"worldedit.sideeffect.update.description": "Notifies the changed block",
"worldedit.sideeffect.validation": "Validation",
"worldedit.sideeffect.validation.description": "Validates and fixes inconsistent world state, such as disconnected blocks",
"worldedit.sideeffect.entity_ai": "Entity AI",
"worldedit.sideeffect.entity_ai.description": "Updates Entity AI paths for the block changes",
"worldedit.sideeffect.events": "Mod/Plugin Events",
"worldedit.sideeffect.events.description": "Tells other mods/plugins about these changes when applicable",
"worldedit.sideeffect.state.on": "On",
"worldedit.sideeffect.state.delayed": "Delayed",
"worldedit.sideeffect.state.off": "Off",
"worldedit.sideeffect.box.current": "Current",
"worldedit.sideeffect.box.change-to": "Click to set to {0}",
"worldedit.help.command-not-found": "The command '{0}' could not be found.",
"worldedit.help.no-subcommands": "'{0}' has no sub-commands. (Maybe '{1}' is for a parameter?)",
"worldedit.help.subcommand-not-found": "The sub-command '{0}' under '{1}' could not be found.",
"worldedit.cli.stopping": "Stopping!",
"worldedit.cli.unknown-command": "Unknown command!",
"worldedit.version.bukkit.unsupported-adapter": "This WorldEdit version does not fully support your version of Bukkit. Block entities (e.g. chests) will be empty, block properties (e.g. rotation) will be missing, and other things may not work. Update WorldEdit to restore this functionality:\n{0}",
"worldedit.bukkit.no-edit-without-adapter": "Editing on unsupported versions is disabled."